July 19, 2012

Intel reported on the financial performance of the second quarter of 2012

Intel, the largest manufacturer of processors in the world, reported financial results for the second quarter of 2012. In the second quarter of 2012, the rate of income rose to $ 13.5 billion mark, up 0.6 billion dollars compared with the previous quarter of this year and 0.5 billion increase over the same period last year. The net profit was 2.8 billion dollars.

Significant part of the company's revenue was provided by branch PC Client Group. In numerical terms, this $ 8.7 billion, up 3 percent compared with the previous quarter. About 4 billion to bring two units Data Center Group, and Other Intel Architecture.

Forecast for the next quarter of 2012 is as follows: index of income not less than 14.3 billion dollars. In an average year, Intel expects to earn a 3-5 percent increase compared with the results of the previous year.

Source: Intel.com

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