August 17, 2012

Galaxy introduced the graphic card GeForce GTX 660 Ti 2GB GC and 3GB GC

The company introduced the Galaxy once a lineup of three graphics cards series GeForce GTX 660 Ti: GTX 660 Ti 2 GB, GTX 660 Ti 2 GB GC (with a factory-overclocked) and GTX 660 Ti 3GB GC. Versions with 2 GB of memory - this is a relatively inexpensive solution to the two fan cooling system and non-reference PCB design.

Meal cards are from the 6-pin and 8-pin PCIe connectors. Frequency of GC variants account for 1006 MHz (1084 MHz for the GPU) and 6.00 GHz for the memory. The board has 2 GB of graphics memory with 192-bit bus.

GeForce GTX 660 Ti GC with 3 GB of memory offers the same frequency performance, which version of the GC with a 2 GB - 1006 MHz (1084 MHz mode GPU Boost), and 6.00 GHz for the memory - but uses a high-cooler, which is normally used by that by the models GeForce GTX 670 and GTX 680. The PCB is the same as new items, and the GTX 680. This card has 3 GB of memory, 28-nm chip based GK104, offers 1334 core CUDA, 112 blocks TMU, ROP 24 and 192-bit memory bus GDDR5.


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