September 26, 2012

Buffalo Announces Collapsible Bluetooth Keyboard

Buffalo Japan announced the BSKBB14 line of collapsible (space-saving) wireless keyboards for portable devices such as smartphones and tablets.

The keyboard, measuring 305 x 94 x 11 mm (W x D x H), collapses into two halves, which can be bound into 153 x 94 x 22 mm (same volume, but more pocketable. It weighs 230 g, and is powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery that can keep it running for three months after a three-hour charge. 

The keyboard provides a compact 69-key QWERTY English + Japanese layout with most command keys, including Start. The key pitch is 19 mm, with 1.5 mm travel. The keyboard uses a magnetic lock to bind its two halves, a physical connection between its two halves when unfolded, and Bluetooth to communicate with the host. It will be available in black (BSKBB14BK) and white (BSKBB14WH) variants . Slated for early October, it will be priced at 9,765 JPY (US $ 125).


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