September 21, 2012

Presented by Samsung Galaxy S III in pink

Samsung has decided to get serious color palette of its flagship Android-smartphone Galaxy S III. Three weeks after the announcement of four new versions of the 4-core machine the world learns of the existence of another embodiment Galaxy S III, in pink.

South Koreans pink version of Samsung Galaxy S III will be available next week. Thus, the total number of colors in the S III is increased to seven. First appeared and color Marble White Pebble Blue. Late last month, they were joined by four versions: Amber Brown, Garnet Red, Sapphire Black and Titanium Grey.

Of course, some colors will be available depending on the region. Will the Samsung Galaxy S III Pink offered outside of South Korea, the company did not specify. But for many young ladies' rosy smartphone "could prove to be one of the best gifts for the New Year and Christmas.


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