October 30, 2012

EE lights up 4G LTE and fiber in UK

LTE has gone live in the UK, with EE opening up its 4G doors to subscribers hoping for a little extra boost in their smartphone or mobile hotspot. The launch - which has hardly left rival UK carriers happy, waiting as they are for more spectrum before they stage their own LTE deployment in mid-2013 - sees smartphone plans from £ 36 per month with a device, while EE is also offering fiber broadband for homes and businesses.

That fiber option promises up to 76 Mb / sec, with plans starting from £ 25 per month. There's also the promise of a £ 5 monthly discount if you're also an LTE subscriber, while EE also offers a regular (ie non-fiber) broadband package priced from £ 5 per month, for those with more humble speed needs.

All of EE's mobile plans come with unlimited calls and messaging, though some LTE-hopefuls were disappointed by the data limits the carrier had opted for. £ 36 gets you a mere 500MB, while bundles up to 8GB are available; EE says it has made for better value by throwing in numerous extras, such as free movie rentals and cloud backup for devices.

EE Film isn't just for EE subscribers, either; the app is available for subscribers of other networks, too. It's currently to be found in the Google Play store, though is also promised for iOS at some point in time.

Source: Slashgear.com

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