October 30, 2012

New Wi-Fi Camera with Night Vision Released by Belkin

Belkin has formally introduced the NetCam Wi-Fi Camera with Night Vision, which is exactly what it says on the tin: a wireless webcam with the ability to see in the dark.

Obviously, video chats and photos shot in this mode, with lights out and Night Vision on, won't show in proper color. Such is the price of recording in the infrared light spectrum.

This isn't the only curious ability NetCam has though. Another is that it can link straight to a wireless router, not needing a computer at all.

That way, it can save files to any device currently linked to the network, like iOS phones and tablets, Android smartphones and slates, etc. The free NetCam app is all that's needed (available on Apple's App Store and Google Play).

"The beauty of the Belkin NetCam is its simplicity and versatility," said Mike Chen, senior director of product management for Belkin's networking group.

"It allows you to keep an eye on your pets, your kids after school, your belongings, or even your baby's room, on any iOS or Android device without the need for a computer. It sets up in minutes, giving you peace of mind without any hassle. "

As far as operating systems go, iOS 4.2 and up is supported, as well as Android 2.2 and above. That means all the way to Android 4.2 (Nexus 10).

In addition to saving live video to any device, the wide-angle camera, thanks to the NetCam app, can send movement-detection notifications via e-mail.

Sales should already be underway, for $ 129.99, or 100-129.99 Euro.

Source: Softpedia.com

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