December 19, 2012

CX Series Modular, Corsair's New Power Supplies

The new PSU line is called CX Series Modular. Not the most dramatic of names, but Corsair's business has been doing fine, which means that its dry naming scheme works just fine.

The CX Series Modular power supply collection is composed of four members, with outputs of 430 W, 500 W, 600 W and 750 W, respectively.

The wattage is actually the only difference between the newcomers, save for the labels on them, of course.

First off, their energy efficiency is of 85% at 50% typical usage loads. This has earned them 80 Plus Bronze certification, which is the lowest level (not counting the clean 80 Plus rating).

Then again, 85% is already a lot more than low-end and mid-range PSUs can provide.

The CX Series Modular also offer higher reliability, less noise and less heat than other power supplies.

As for the cabling system, it actually doesn't follow a pure modular scheme. Rather, it is a hybrid system with a non-detachable ATX cable.

The SATA, 4-pin MOLEX and PCI Express cables can definitely be taken down or added at a moment's notice.

The prices of the Corsair CX Series Modular 430 W, 500 W, 600 W and 750 W PSUs are unknown.


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