December 10, 2012

GeForce GTX 670 FTW LE, EVGA's New Graphics Card

EVGA's high-end air-cooled GeForce GTX 670 FTW graphics card, which launched with the rest of the GTX 670 lineup, is largely based on the GeForce GTX 680 NVIDIA- reference design.

As the name implies, it is one of those products that won't be around for overly long. A few weeks or months at most.

Since this is the winter shopping season, EVGA is trying to score a few more sales by offering higher performance.

Also, since the GTX 670 is and always has been a high-end graphics card, EVGA doesn't need to worry overmuch about the price, since high-end customers can usually afford such things anyway.

What it does need to make sure of is that the GTX 680 is, in comparison, too expensive for the performance benefit to get customers to buy it instead.

That said, the price of the EVGA GTX 670 FTW LE, model number 02G-P4-2676-KR, is of around $ 390/390 Euro, give or take.

Spec-wise, the graphics processing unit (1344 CUDA cores) runs at 941 MHz most of the time. Really heavy workloads, though rare, will push the chip to 1,019 MHz.

On that note, the 2 GB of GDDR5 memory operate at 6,008 MHz, which is actually odd when taking into account the specs of the original GeForce GTX 670 FTW.

One would expect a limited edition product to be stronger than the original, but the opposite holds true here. The GeForce GTX 670 FTW actually runs at 1,006 / 1,084 MHz (GPU) and 6,208 MHz (memory).

Overall, the newcomer is a decent enough adapter, even though it sticks to the reference design from NVIDIA, down to the video ports.

Speaking of which, the product can link to one or several monitors / HDTVs at once, via dual-DVI, HDMI and DisplayPort connectors.


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