January 24, 2013

Amazon Kindle and Kindle Paperwhite now available on Amazon.ca

Our friends in the Great White North can now purchase a couple Kindle digital readers that have been available in the US and for a long time. Amazon has announced that the Kindle and Kindle Paperwhite are now available for Canadians to purchase via Amazon.ca. Digital readers aren’t all that Amazon is offering (finally) to Canadian users.

Amazon has also announced that Canadian customers can now access the Canada Kindle Store directly from their Kindle digital readers. Amazon says that the Canadian version of the Kindle Store offers a large selection of popular books, including most bestsellers from the Globe and Mail and Le Devoir bestsellers lists. The Canadian Kindle Store also offers books that were winners of the Giller prize and lots more content from Canadian publishers and authors.

Amazon says that its Canadian Kindle Store has over 1.5 million books including 250,000 that can be purchased anywhere else. 50,000 of those books are French-language titles. If somehow you have missed all the coverage of the Kindle Paperwhite, it is billed as the world’s most advanced E-reader by Amazon. The display has a pixel density of 212 ppi giving it 62% more pixels than the previous generation Kindle. The screen also promises 25% more contrast than the previous generation.

The Paperwhite also has a built-in backlight, which means you can read in the dark without having to have an external light source. One of the best features of the reader is that it has eight weeks of battery life even if you leave the backlight on all the time. The reader is also available with free 3G connectivity for downloading content and supports Wi-Fi. The digital reader with Wi-Fi and 3G will sell for C$199 with the Wi-Fi only version selling for C$139. The normal Kindle will sell for C$89.

Source: Slashgear.com

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