March 13, 2013

HTC responds to reported European HTC One delay

UK retailer Clove Technology is reporting that the flagship HTC One's European launch has been held back to Mar. 29, two weeks later than Clove's expected date of Mar. 15. Though HTC has not publicly announced a specific release date for the phone in any territory, Clove insists it's been "officially informed by HTC UK."

We've reached out to HTC, which has provided us with this statement on HTC One availability 

"We will start fulfilling pre-orders by end March in certain markets and will roll out to more markets as we approach April."

That's almost exactly what we were told around the launch event in February, so it appears little has changed from the manufacturer's perspective.

So we'll have to wait and see when the HTC One eventually becomes available in Europe, but we imagine that wait shouldn't be a long one. O2 Germany, for example, is already shipping the HTC One on contract, so we wouldn't discount the possibility of devices showing up for sale elsewhere before the month's end.

Specific details on U.S. availability are still unavailable -- we suspect we'll be waiting on announcements from individual carriers.


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