April 18, 2013

Sony Xperia Tablet S gets Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean update tomorrow

Sony’s slowly getting to updating a selected bunch of its past devices to versions of Android that are less than one year old. Unfortunately though, Android 4.2 is still just a dream for every Sony smartphone and tablet owner that isn’t into flashing custom ROMs.

So, it’s the previous version of Google’s mobile operating system, and the first iteration of Jelly Bean that we’re talking about here. Version 4.1.1 is set to arrive on the Xperia Tablet S as soon as tomorrow – that is, if you’re in the US, Canada, or Latin America. Those are the only territories to get the update in the first batch.

Speaking about that, Sony’s server should have the update on it starting at 9 or 10 am Pacific Time. After that, you will at some point receive a notification that the update is available for your particular device, and then you can download and install it.

Of course, you might be impatient. In that case, it’s better to manually check for the update by going to Settings > About tablet > System update. This might make you get lucky after tomorrow morning. Otherwise, it’s the same old thing you need to do – wait for the rollout to reach your Sony Xperia Tablet S.

Details about what the update contains will only be out once the new software goes live, but this is going to be worth installing for sure, if only for the added overall smoothness that will arrive courtesy of Google’s Project Butter.

Source: Unwiredview.com

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