August 22, 2013

Four New Canon PowerShot Models Provide Impressive Image Quality, Powerful Optics, and Fast Autofocusing

Canon has expanded its PowerShot line of digital cameras with four new models, the PowerShot G16, S120, SX510 HS and the SX170 IS. All four models are powered by DIGIC technology and fall solidly into the compact camera category, with the latter two rolling out in next month, and the first two following a few weeks after that in October.

First up is the PowerShot G16, which features a 12.1-megapixel sensor and a 28 – 140mm wide-angle lens. The camera offers up to 1080/60p Full HD video recording and has an HDMI video output for use with an HDTV or monitor. The G16 offers integrated WiFi for content sharing to various websites and to send photos via email using iMAGE GATEWAY. The camera supports Canon’s CameraWindow Android and iOS app.

Slated for release in October for $550 USD.

Next is the PowerShot S120, the next in line over the S110. This point and shoot likewise features a 12.1-megapixel high-sensitivity CMOS sensor, and features a 24 – 120mm extra-wide-angle lens. Video recording supports up to 1080/60p Full HD recording, and there are 58 pre-defined scenes, as well as an HDR mode. The model is WiFi-enabled, and supports the CameraWindow app.

Will launch in October for $450 USD.

The PowerShot SX510 HSiii has the same 12.1-sensor as the previous two models, and is likewise WiFi-enabled with support for the CameraWindow app. Videos can be recorded in Full HD 1080p, and the camera features Zoom Framing Assist with the autofocus. Those interested will be able to grab this model next month for $250 USD.

And finally, there’s the PowerShot SX170, which is the cheapest and least feature-packed camera of the batch at $180 USD (September release). The SX170 features a 16-megapixel sensor and uses a DIGIC 4, offering a 28mm wide-angle lens and optical image stabilization. There’s both HS AF and Intelligent IS, and the ability to record in up to 720p.

Canon’s Executive Vice President of Imagine Technologies and Communications Yuichi Ishizuka said: “At Canon we are continually inspired to introduce the latest technological advancements to the PowerShot line of digital cameras. Although smartphone camera popularity is continually increasing, the PowerShot line of cameras offers features such as advanced image sensors, high-quality optics, low-light capabilities and extremely fast autofocusing speeds that, when combined, are unrivaled by smartphone technology.”


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