August 14, 2013

LG G2 pre-orders start in the UK for £468, shipping in “late September”

When it comes to the LG G2 and the UK, the only thing that’s been clear so far is that Three will start selling it at some point. Otherwise, though, we haven’t heard anything about pricing or a release time frame for that part of Europe – despite the fact that the G2 has already been put up for pre-order in Germany, with prices attached.

Well, today we have some good news for you if you’re in the UK and want your next smartphone to be the LG G2. Well known online device retailer Clove has just started taking pre-orders for this handset. The opening of these comes with a price announced, thankfully.

The LG G2 is going to cost you exactly £468, VAT included. That’s slightly cheaper than what we saw in Germany, by the way. In terms of when to expect the G2 at your doorstep, apparently “late September” is all that can be revealed right now. For an exact date stay tuned, and we’ll let you know which it is the instant we find out.

One thing you need to keep in mind, though: according to Clove, neither the price nor the availability have been officially confirmed by LG just yet. So either of these details may change ever so slightly before the G2 actually lands in the UK.


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