August 23, 2013

Motorola Moto X, HTC One Mini And Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 Now Available With AT&T

After a seemingly endless wait till its official announcement and another month of wait which followed, the Motorola Moto X is finally available with US carrier AT&T. This is of particularly high interest for prospective Moto X buyers as AT&T exclusively offers the new 'Moto Maker' customization service to all new buyers. Pick up a 16 GB Moto X with a two-year contract for $199.99, while the 32 GB model costs $249.99.

Additionally, the long awaited HTC One Mini is also available with AT&T starting today. The 'Mini' version of HTC's flagship droid borrows the same design elements and camera hardware, save for a cut down processor and other related specifications. For those who just dig the HTC One's design and Sense 5 UI but were waiting to enjoy it all in a more compact form factor, the HTC One Mini is for you, and is priced well at $99.99 with a two-year contract.

Lastly there's the Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3, a 6.3-inch phablet with a not-so-premium price tag, made possible by using a combination of high-end and mid-range specifications, all put inside one really large device. Pick this one up if you can't afford the premium Sony Xperia Z Ultra but still want to enjoy the large real estate i.e. the screen.


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