October 7, 2013

ZOWIE GEAR RELEASES the EC eVo CL Series Gaming Mouse

ZOWIE GEAR has released a new version of the successful and innovative ZOWIE EC eVo series named the EC eVo CL.

The new CL Series is named after Anton 'Cooller' Singov, a Quake legend who has been working with ZOWIE GEAR for the last few months. ZOWIE GEAR and Cooller have combined their passion for competitive gaming, this is the first step in the partnership and it is unlikely to be the last.
Cooller has been active in the Quake scene for over ten years; to this day he still competes and enjoys playing despite leading an incredibly busy life. Having used the ZOWIE EC2 in the past Cooller wanted to bring the feel of the ZOWIE EC2 and the coating on the ZOWIE FK into one mouse.

ZOWIE GEAR acknowledged that there are gamers who prefer a faster scroll wheel. With the new model comes a 24-step rotation wheel compared to the standard 16. ZOWIE GEAR have made this choice together with Cooller because Quake gamers tend not to use the scroll wheel to change weapons compared to other games. The increased speed is not the only change as the click feedback of 24-step is also a little bit lighter than the original 16-step, this is down to a matter of preference. The new CL series has white sides, a black top and red side buttons to be aesthetically pleasing in its Quake colours, representing ZOWIE, Cooller and his Quake achievements while standing out from the competition.

The ZOWIE EC was the first series of mice to land on ZOWIE GEAR's production line and the demand for it is still increasing worldwide. ZOWIE's concept of competitive gaming gear has been accepted and appreciated by the community. This has been done without losing focus on improving the products and providing gamers' with different choices to suit their needs, as you can see with the EC eVo CL.

  • Ergonomic right-handed design for increased comfort
  • Developed for competitive gaming; increased performance
  • Easily switch between 125, 500 and 1,000 Hz
  • Adjustable DPI : 450, 1,150, 2,300 DPI
  • Perfect lift-off distance: Only 1.5 ~ 1.8 mm
  • 24-step scroll wheel
  • Different coating choice taken from the ZOWIE FK
  • Plug and play! No driver needed

ZOWIE EC eVo CL provides a new option for gamers that prefer a faster scroll wheel or a different coating and is not a replacement for the standard eVo line

Source: Techpowerup.com

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