October 31, 2012

LG ET83 Touch 10 monitor optimized for Windows 8 action

Here we are with a monitor to go along with your spanking new Windows 8 powered desktop - the LG ET83 Touch 10 monitor, sporting a 10-point IPS display that will definitely expand the horizon of touchscreen technology.

The entire LG ET83 Touch 10 monitor measures 23 "across diagonally, and you can use all ten of your fingers on it simultaneously, making it the ideal choice for folks who want to enjoy an enhanced touch computing experience without having to perform a complete and total overhaul / upgrade.

Tablet and smartphone owners ought to be able to take to the Touch 10 monitor like a duck to water, and would even feel as though their smartphones do not offer enough in the long run. After all, majority of touchscreens out there use a two-finger recognition system, but the LG Touch 10 monitor increases that amount fivefold.

The LG ET83 Touch 10 monitor will arrive in South Korea from November onwards, before it is introduced in Europe and the rest of the world. There is no word on pricing as at press time, but we intend to pounce on that when all is revealed eventually.

Source: Ubergizmo.com

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