October 31, 2012

O2 first confirm LG's Google Nexus 4

O2 is the first UK carrier to announce Google Nexus 4 it'll be carrying this year's winner of the "most-leaked smartphone" award, which was mercifully launched on Monday.

4 Nexus runs the latest version of Android on a quadcore Snapdragon S4 processor, with a 4.7-inch LCD display and 8-megapixel camera. That camera is used with the new Photo Sphere 360-degree tool, with images that can be shared on Google+ or added to Google Maps. More on Android 4.2 here. There's also wireless charging, though O2 hasn't said whether it will be bundling the wireless dock in with the phone, or selling it optionally.

The handset itself will be free with a new agreement of £ 36 per month or above, assuming a two-year contract. That will include unlimited calls and unlimited messages, along with 1GB of data; the Nexus 4 lacks LTE, but then so does O2 at the moment.

Google will be selling the phone sim-free for a non-exorbitant £ 239 at the Play store.

That means you'll likely find the device free under contract, but your carrier choices may be limited to start, as O2's rumored to have a 30-day exclusive. There's no mention of price or availability, but Google's own sale date of November 13th seems a good bet.

Source: Engadget.com

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